Locating Facilities Within the Master Facility List

Facilities in the MFL can be located via search and geolocation.

Rating A Facility’s Services

Users are able to rate facility services by selecting the view service rating of the service to be rated. Rating is restricted to one service per day.

Detailed Facility View

Location Through the Geo-locator

The geolocator is the second way of locating facilities. The geolocator is accessed using the facility geolocator button in the top navigation. The page shows the map of Kenya with all 47 counties. The map has a heatmap showing concentration of facilities in an area.

Facility Geo-locator

Clicking on one county brings up the selected county’s sub counties.

County Drill Down

Clicking on one sub-county brings up the selected sub-county’s wards.

Sub-county Drill Down

The ward level is the lowest administrative unit available.

Ward Drill Down

On the left of the map, there’s a button that can be used to view facilities in the administrative unit, in this case, the ward.

Link to Advanced Search